Volume of learning – not a nice-to-have feature, but an AQF requirement
ASQA has published the following on 12th March 2013: “ASQA has published a new response to a frequently asked question regarding compliance with ‘suggested volume of learning’ for AQF qualifications.Question: Does ASQA audit RTOs for compliance with the suggested volume of learning for AQF qualifications?Answer:...
Exploring reliability and validity of assessments in VET
Under the Australian VET Framework, and the AQTF, assessments used by Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) must compliant with the “Principles of Assessments: fair, Flexible, reliable and valid”. Trainers and RTO managers asked me with singular frequency: “How can we ensure...
The benefits of outsourcing admin and compliance work
The Australian VET industry consists of a great variety of providers. Many small and medium organisations have a high degree of technical specialisation and service niche markets. These small and medium sized RTOs generally have professionals with many years of...
Review of standards for the regulation of VET
The National Skills Standards Council (NSSC) is currently conducting a review of the National VET Framework. NSSC started a series of consultation activities with VET stakeholders on June 2012, and recently had published an analysis of 114 submissions received. A...
Business Performance and Gap Analysis
The performance consulting process generally includes identifying business needs, performance needs, and work environment and capability needs. All strategic performance improvement projects start with an assessment to systematically identify a specific individual, team, or organizational need. Workplace Learning and Performance...
Why are we going to have a Unique Student Identifier (USI)?
The National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) collects and holds records of student enrolment and achievement in the VET sector, but these records are not mapped to an individual over the lifetime.The inability to access enrolment and achievement data...
Choosing a training provider? ASQA’s Consumer checklist.
The National VET Regulator, the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA), has recently released a “Choosing a training or education provider Fact Sheet”, which includes a “Consumer Checklist” to guide potential students/consumers to make an informed decision. The mentioned document explain...
Evaluate Training Programs
Training must produce its intended outcome. That is, a specified change needs to have occurred after training is completed. If you cannot validate the training, then you must seriously question why it should be done at all. Much training is...
Learning and Organisational Culture
Culture is defined as the impact of the surrounding environment; both tangible (physical environmental factors like the weather) and intangible (cultural norms) on the way people live. The environment people are exposed to influences how they acquire certain behaviours and...
RTOs Financial Viability Risk Assessment
NVR RTOs (RTOs regulated by ASQA) must meet the requirement detailed in the legislative instrument Financial Viability Risk Assessment Requirements 2011. ASQA generally assess RTOs Financial Viability when an organisation applies for initial registration. ASQA considers common indicators of financial performance and position to...