RTO Re-registration with ASQA
Registration or re-registration with ASQA is a rigorous process where the RTO must demonstrate compliance with the VET Quality Framework. Registration is the most critical risk that an RTO has to manage. This Master Training Program is a three-day workshop...
Don’t Forsake Your Own Learning
Vocational education and training professionals must respect their title and be responsible for their own learning if they expect respect from others. While this seems like common sense, many of our colleagues (particularly in the RTO environment) fail to challenge...
5 Characteristics of Successful Virtual Training
When you look at a half-filled glass of water, what do you see? Is it half-empty or half-full? While either one can be a correct answer, how you respond depends on your experience and your current perspective. In a similar...
Professional Development is Performance Management or Employee Development?
If you ask an employee on what a performance management is, he or she will mention that it is nothing but the annual appraisal of his or her performance followed by salary revisions. Trainers in particular also tend to view...
The Huge Disconnect
What is the job of a manager? This is not an easy question, and there are a number of possible answers. The talent management approach suggests that the job of the manager is to hire, develop, engage, and retain talented people....
Training and Social Media
Handy Tips for Training a New Employee on Social Media Practices Congratulations, it’s time to hire a new person to the team! This is always an exciting time as it signifies that you’re headed in the right direction. You’re doing...
Why The ROI Methodology
How this unique system compares with competing models and theories. The ROI Methodology had its beginnings in the early 70s when the first ROI study was conducted to evaluate a cooperative education program at Lockheed Martin. The study was developed...
Corporate Training: What do You get for Your Money?
In today’s highly competitive business environments, it is vital that companies have well-trained staff. Any business, regardless of its size is only as strong as its weakest link. It is, therefore important that all members of staff have similar levels...
The Benefits of Using the ROI Methodology
What’s the ROI on ROI? When an organization implements of the ROI Methodology, the concern about the value or payoff of this approach becomes an issue. This process, when used properly, a function from activity-based to results-based. The activity-based approach...
Reflection on Performance Boosts Productivity
Want an easy way to help your employees become more effective? Ask them to spend the end of each workday reflecting on their performance, research suggests.This Simple Daily Exercise Boosts Employee Performance. A recent study found that “employees who spent...