Program Objectives (Part 2)
Level 2 Learning ObjectivesThere is increased interest in evaluating the acquisition of knowledge and skills. These drivers include growth in the number of learning organizations, emphasis being placed on intellectual capital, and increased use of certifications as a discriminator in the selection process....
Program Objectives (Part 1)
Program objectives are the fundamental basis for evaluation. Program objectives drive the design and development of the program and define how to measure success. Program objectives define what the program is intended to do and how to measure participant achievement...
Communication Key to Engagement
How’s your company doing? Are employees happy — really? Many organisations are struggling to develop a culture that’s compelling enough to engage and retain their talent. A 2012 Gallup study of workplaces in 140 countries found 87 percent of workers are...
How Much Is Digital Illiteracy Costing Your RTO?
In spite (or perhaps because) of rapid and ongoing technological advances, many individuals today are inadequately prepared to leverage available tools and technologies to communicate and collaborate with their colleagues and external stakeholders. Traditionally, the Digital Divide was about access...
Clauses 1.1 – 1.4
What this Standard means for your RTO – The Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) is the national policy for qualifications in the Australian education and training system. The National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011 requires that RTOs comply with the...
Why Measure Impact and ROI of your Training?
In recent years, we have witnessed change in organisational accountability, especially toward investment in training, programs, and projects. Employers and government are concerned about the value of their investment on vocational education and training. Today, this concern translates into financial...
Thinking Inside the Box May Actually Solve More Problems
Almost everyone in the business world is familiar with the brainstorming maxim: think outside the box. However, a recent study conducted at the University of Pittsburgh found ideas that were closely related to a problem helped form the most viable...
ASQA’s Identity Crisis
The Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) are a set of principles designed to shape the unique characteristics of an RTO. Their application is paramount to safeguard the integrity of nationally recognised training. These Standards are not steps, formulas or...
Managing the Virtual Workforce
The phrases used to describe the newest phenomenon in the global workforce are numerous: working from home, telecommuting, remote job, virtual employee. All of these terms describe the ability to work outside of a traditional, co-located office environment. The parameters of the working arrangements will differ...
Characteristics of an Effective Survey
A survey sets out to: describe, compare, explain, or predict a condition, behavior, or outcome. It provides trainers and managers information they need to make decisions about programs, projects, people, and initiatives. How much you should invest in a survey to accomplish these...