Australian’s VET sector: Lost in Compliance
What is the real cost of VET red tape for our society? The value of vocational education and training (VET) is in its contribution to develop Human Capital, as a means of equipping people and society with the skills and competences...
Is Your RTO’s Business Model Compliant?
We have just received a new list (published on 2 January) showing 11 RTOs that have had their registration cancelled by ASQA. This means that during 2018 the regulator decided to either cancel registrations or apply sanctions to 367 RTOs,...
Compliance starts with communication
When you look at the statistics published by ASQA, and the results from its regulatory work, they show the darkest face of VET. Since AQTF 2001 was implement, I wonder if we have been stuck in a continuous cycle of...
Trainers, Assessors or Talent Development Professionals?
How did we get here? And how are we preparing ourselves to deal with current and future challenges? Trainers have used the concept of competency-based vocational education since the 1800s. “As man invented tools, weapons, clothing, shelter and language, the...
Is VET Trapped in The Capabilities Vs Performance Issue?
requently, I encounter VET practitioners whose actions and comments indicate an assumption that building capability and enhancing performance are the same thing. Learning alone will not yield performance results. There is no business or performance measure that improves because of...
Three Reasons Why Compliance Training Fails
Three Reasons Why Compliance Training Fails In this article, I will analyse the top three reasons why RTO compliance training often fails. Despite being in the training industry, many programs, including formal ones, fail to positively impact RTO performance. Lack...
Trainer’s upgrade: a cost or a solution?
Since the Assistant Minister for Vocational Education and Skills, the Hon Karen Andrews MP, announced the most recent amendment that affects the requirements for trainers and assessors to work in VET, many RTOs’ managers and trainers have considered this as...
Collecting relevant assessment evidence
Don’t tick the wrong box! Assessment systems continue to be the most challenging area in an RTO’s operations and yet the most critical to demonstrate quality outcomes. When dealing with assessments in Australia’s VET environment, we need to consider both the assessment...
Why provide feedback to students?
Many trainers find the topic of providing feedback confusing, and some colleagues only look at regulatory implications of the trainers’/assessors’ feedback, so I thought it might be a good topic for review. To better understand feedback, let’s define what it...
RTO Core Values: Necessity or Luxury?
Last week, I was delivering a session about advanced assessment techniques and while addressing different evidence collection methods, a participant asked me: “do we get extra points during a regulatory audit if we perform better than the minimum requirement? If...