Business Planning for RTOs Managers
Your business plan is essential for your business – it’s your blueprint for the future. It sets the direction for your business and keeps you on track once you’re up and running. It’s also a requirement when you’re seeking finance. ...
No more “SMART” Report on Quality Indicators
In its 20 December communiqué NSSC announced its decision to cease compulsory reporting against the Learner Engagement and Employer Satisfaction Quality Indicators through the SMART system. This announcement produced confusion in some RTO’s staff as the decision was actually about the SMART System...
Grounded Brain-Based Training
During an experiment conducted by Dr. Strayer, (2006) during his studies about the fragility of the human brain; forty individuals drove a car in a simulator under four conditions: No distractions Talking on a hand-held cell phone Talking on a...
Accelerate learning with examples
Lactose is a complex sugar found in milk. To digest lactose, you need lactase, an enzyme that breaks lactose into two sugar molecules: glucose and galactose. Individuals lacking this enzyme have lactose intolerance. Unable to digest milk, they suffer from...
Employability Skills – A new Framework
A new paper produced by Bridget Wibrow’s and published by NCVER, brought the Employability Skills back to the big table. These employability skills, are indeed work skills such as solving problems, using mathematical techniques and so on, which are indispensable...
Validation or Moderation
National Quality Council published an interesting set of resources designed to support Assessors by presenting guidelines and put light into some key areas. A number of mechanisms, or potential mechanisms, for enhancing quality assurance, quality control and quality review within...
AVETMISS 6.1 for VET providers: whats new and why?
The Australian Vocational Education and Training Management Information Statistical Standard (AVETMISS) for VET providers is a national data standard. It ensures the consistent and accurate capture and reporting of vocational education and training (VET) information about students. The Standard details...
Facilitation Skills: Using Training Games
Training games are a form of experiential learning typically used to facilitate dynamic group processes. They encourage participant involvement and interest in training content. Facilitators can customize published games to suit their specific training needs, and when off-the-shelf games are...
The Upsurge of Informal Learning
Informal learning has emerged as an important element in employee development, and collaborative tools and technology help facilitate this process. Forward-thinking companies realize that while corporate training continues to play an integral role in advancing today’s workforce, informal learning has...
What is a Training and Assessment Strategy
A training and assessment strategy provides a framework for the organisation of training and assessment of qualifications and accredited courses in the vocational education and training sector. Courses offered in this sector include: Qualifications from National Training Packages Traineeship and...