Why Internal Audits?
A quality audit can be described as a systematic, planned approach to the assessment of compliance or quality and whether or not requirements are being met. However, there are a range of reasons for performing audits which will vary across...
Good Classes and Bad Classes
Have you ever completed a course of study that truly inspired you? One in which you really got a lot out of the learning experience? You left feeling more competent, at least understanding how you could become more competent, and...
When to consider course accreditation
What is an accredited course? Accreditation of a course is confirmation that the course: meets national quality assurance requirements, meets an established industry, enterprise, educational, legislative or community need, and provides appropriate competency outcomes and a basis for assessment....
Quality indicators for RTOs due by 30 June 2013
At its meeting on 8 December 2011, the National Skills Standards Council (NSSC) decided that in order to comply with the AQTF Essential Conditions and Standards for Initial / Continuing Registration or the VET Quality Framework, Registered Training Organisations...
Volume of Learning for AQF qualifications
The volume of learning is defined in the AQF as follows: “The volume of learning is a dimension of the complexity of a qualification. It is used with the level criteria and qualification type descriptor to determine the depth and...
Superseded courses rules
ASQA has implemented a system upgrade to correctly represent the status of qualifications and units of competency on an RTO’s scope of registration. If a course is in teach-out or superseded, it will no longer appear on the provider’s current...
Active Learning Strategies
If you want to spark active learning in your training sessions, there are eight strategies that I have used with consistent success. You don’t need to heed all eight, but I have found that most of them are critical for...
Quality in VET – A National Imperative
Industry Skills Councils (ISCs), as the developers of Industry Training Packages, have recently undertaken a project to identify whether greater specification of training delivery and assessment requirements within individual qualifications and/or units of competency, would improve the quality of Training...
Changes ahead for trainers and assessors
Requirements for all vocational trainers and assessors are changing to make sure they have the skills and knowledge to support the development of adult learners’ language, literacy and numeracy (LLN) skills. IBSA confirms that by July 2014 the unit TAELLN411 Address...
Purpose and benefits of Training Evaluation
Trainers and training providers know that their success depends on demonstrating the value of training investment. The simplest way to prove training’s value to a client is to document that the training has achieved its desired outcome, through evaluation. Evaluation...