The Myths of Measurement and Training Evaluation
Trainers and vocational education practitioners recognize that the additional measurement and evaluation is needed. However, regardless of the motivation to pursue evaluation, they struggle with how to address the issue. They often ask, “Does it really provide the benefits to...
Purpose and Goals of PD
Traditionally, many Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) have taken a one-size-fits-all approach to addressing organisational compliance and performance problems: Professional Development Training (PD). The problem with indiscriminately applying this approach is that training is the right answer only when the problem...
The Future of Learning and Performance
by Jack J. Phillips, Ph.D. and Patti Phillips, Ph.D. We have seen training evolve from a necessary expense to acquire critical job skills, to an investment in the organization through employee capability, growth, and development. Based on what we know...
Is Personality More Important than Skills?
One of the greatest traps when thinking about bolstering a company’s capabilities is focusing too myopically on the technology. Sure, great teams require technical wizards, but it turns out that in the eyes of employers hard skills take a back...
Soft Skills for the future
Five right-brain skills are predicted to be in high demand in the “Conceptual Age.” Creativity is emerging as the most important leadership quality for success. The business world is shifting from exclusively valuing left-brain skills, such as subject expertise and...
ROI and the Levels of Evaluation
The complete story of a training program success or failure Patricia and Jack Phillips, from ROI Institute, included return on investment (ROI) as the fifth level of the traditional Kirkpatrick evaluation levels. According to this new ROI methodology for training...
The Right Direction for Competency
The integrity of our vocational education and training (VET) system rests basically on three pillars: the competency standards, the quality of our training and assessment practices, and the capacity to add value to stakeholders with our training proposal. Having a...
TAE Review
Last chance to have your say about the review of the TAE Training & Education Training Package IBSA has completed its initial consultations and has developed the second round of draft materials for validation. This is your last chance to...
Planning for Effective Evaluation
Evaluation, like everything else in life, takes careful planning to reap what one sows. The need to plan an evaluation before conducting it has always been recognized, but the scope and complexity of evaluation projects today demand even better planning...
How Web Conferencing Benefits Employee Training
The use of web conferencing for employee training is becoming more prevalent because it lowers costs to employers, provides a solid training foundation for employees, and makes re-training of current employees seamless. Many companies are beginning to include web conferencing...