Characteristics of an Effective Survey
A survey sets out to: describe, compare, explain, or predict a condition, behavior, or outcome. It provides trainers and managers information they need to make decisions about programs, projects, people, and initiatives. How much you should invest in a survey to accomplish these...
25 Frequently Asked Questions About ROI
Today’s executives must show accountability for their investments. Many executives have found that actually measuring the return on investment on a few selected, significant, high-profile programs is an excellent way to show fiscal responsibility for key projects and initiatives. Our...
Stop Delivering Training Events
The reality is that training “events” don’t work. As vocational education and learning professionals, it’s time we stopped delivering training events and started delivering performance improvement processes that have learning as a key component. You don’t go to a class...
5 Characteristics of Successful Virtual Training
When you look at a half-filled glass of water, what do you see? Is it half-empty or half-full? While either one can be a correct answer, how you respond depends on your experience and your current perspective. In a similar...
Why The ROI Methodology
How this unique system compares with competing models and theories. The ROI Methodology had its beginnings in the early 70s when the first ROI study was conducted to evaluate a cooperative education program at Lockheed Martin. The study was developed...
The Benefits of Using the ROI Methodology
What’s the ROI on ROI? When an organization implements of the ROI Methodology, the concern about the value or payoff of this approach becomes an issue. This process, when used properly, a function from activity-based to results-based. The activity-based approach...
Building a Comprehensive Evaluation Process
Measuring and evaluating learning has earned a place among the critical issues in the learning and development and performance improvement fields. For decades, this topic has been on conference agendas and discussed at professional meeting. Journals and newsletters regularly embrace...
Using ROI to Demonstrate HR Value in the Public Sector
A Review of Best Practices By Jack and Patricia PhillipsThe demand for HR’s accountability through measurement continues to increase. Here, Jack and Patti Phillips provide an overview of best practices in the return on investment (ROI) process and describe how...
So What’s the Bottom Line on ROI?
By Jack and Patti Phillips ROI, return on investment, is a metric fundamental to business and government alike. Executives and chief administrators recognize it, and business and operations managers appreciate it. It is calculated consistently and recognized across sectors around...
Linking Training Objectives to Measures of Training Success
By Jack Phillips, PhD, and Patti Phillips, PhD Before training evaluation begins, program objectives must be developed. Program objectives are linked to the needs assessment. Let’s look at how objectives can be developed within the context of the five-level ROI...